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And God Said

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

The Lord is seeking for a company of people who are not just believers, but disciples. He’s searching for, and He’s marking those, who sigh and cry for what’s happening in His church today.

Something that we need to understand is that, yes, He extends salvation to everybody just the way they are. But He won’t extend authority in His Kingdom to any believer who CHOOSES to remain the way they are. Salvation is a free gift; but there are responsibilities that go with it. After all, we’ve entered into a new covenant; and a covenant carries responsibilities for EACH of the parties.

Sadly, many Christians have this mistaken idea that, when the Scripture says that it’s “not by works”, then they can settle in for a free ride, and the Lord is responsible for everything else. Do you know why so many Christians think that they’re destined to rule and reign with Jesus throughout eternity, while they live any way they want to now? It’s because so many who stand behind the pulpit water down the Word of God so that they won’t offend anybody. Jesus never promised authority in His Kingdom to those who are spiritually immature, unwilling to endure testing, and who expect to gain everything without the sacrifice of anything!

Take a look at Genesis 1:26. I want to say something that we all know: the Father creates; and He creates through His Word. He SAID, “Let there be”, and it was. So, doesn’t the Word tell us that we were created in His image? In this case, what does that mean? Very simply: OUR words create.

Again, didn’t the Lord give man dominion over all the creatures, and over all the earth? There was only one way that this would happen; and that was through their word. Just as God spoke, and it was done, so too would man.

And there’s something that we need to realize here: what God gave, He’s never taken away. First: man STILL has dominion over the earth. Sadly, that dominion hasn’t been for manifesting the Kingdom of God, but it’s been for the manifestation of the kingdom of the enemy, and of man; and that has resulted in the slow destruction of God’s creation.

What I want to focus on, though, is the second point; which is also what the Lord has never taken away: the creative ability of our words.

Take a look at James 1:26. Our words DO create; but: what are we creating with our words?

In light of this, I wondered just how many words people spoke, just over the course of one day. There were a number of studies done, and all in similar manners. About four hundred participants wore voice recorders for several days; and, from the words that could be picked up, they were able to project out, and then calculate, a rough approximation of total words spoken. The result found that both men and women spoke approximately sixteen thousand words per day!

However, of all the words that we speak, there are actually only two kinds: we either speak words that minister life, or words that minister death.

Take a look at James 3:5, 6 and 10. Here the apostle was speaking, not about the tongue as just the physical part of the body; but, rather, in the sense of the words that we speak. But it isn’t simply a matter of watching what we say; and that’s what I want to address.

True: we DO have to watch what we say. But, consider something here. With many countries, the name of the people who live there end with the letters “AN”. For example, someone from the nation of America is an AmericAN, someone from the nation of Mexico is a MexicAN, and someone from the nation of Russia is a RussiAN. We know where they’re from by their speech; and, if they truly love their country, that’s all they want to talk about.

So, what about Christ? Someone who claims to be from the Kingdom of Christ is called a ChristiAN. How do we know? It should be by their speech. And if they truly love Him? He should be all they want to talk about.

Think now: how many people, who lay claim to the name of Jesus, do you know who want to talk only about Jesus and His Word, other than in church?

So, how are we speaking?

Do OUR words create death?

Or do they create life?

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